Spectrum for seedlings



Spectrum composition


B1 consists of white LEDs which provide a complete spectrum in the range of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400-700 nm).

The appropriate ratio of red to blue light guarantees compact plants and effective photosynthesis.

Additionally, B1 contains 37% of green light, which, according to the latest research, supports the effect of blue light.


The B1 is perfect for optimal broccoli growth. Increases the number of leaves and stem diameter by 35% and 5%, respectively, compared to plants grown under HPS lamps.

B1 is great for growing cucumbers, especially during the flowering period. This spectrum increases the number of buds and flowers by 16% compared to plants grown under HPS lamps. Additionally, the plants have a more compact shape.

B1 is suitable for growing cauliflowers. Increases the number of leaves by 18% and the density by 30% compared to plants grown under HPS lamps.

Massive Roses™


Spectrum composition


The BC1 spectrum contains light of every wavelength in the area of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR; 400-700 nm).

Blue light is widely responsible for improving the quality of plants - it favors the opening of the stomatal apparatus, which allows CO2 to enter the leaves and results in a higher photosynthesis efficiency.

In addition, the red light in the BC1 spectrum influences the regulation of plant growth and development.


The BC1 spectrum in pepper cultivation increases the number and area of leaves. Additionally, the generative growth phase improves - the number of buds and flowers can be increased by 13%.



Spectrum composition​


B0 is a large amount of red light that promotes photosynthesis. Additionally, a significant amount of green light complements the effect of blue light. The appropriate ratio of red to far red ensures a compact shape of the plants.


The B0 spectrum improves the growth of lettuce compared to plants grown under HPS. The number of leaves and their surface area improved by 7% and 10% respectively.

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